Investment Capital Management when adept will always mitigate risk and maximize the return on capital as we show it.
Investment Capital Management (ICM) is simply the management of capital to achieve its optimum return within an approved investment plan. Other related names could be investment management or asset management. Within our context and focus, we will be referring to ICM as the mobilization of a team of specialists coordinated and lead to assist investor capital seek the most secure projects and or investments, establish a strategic plan that also uses quantitative investment management and help implement it for optimized returns in favor of the investors. Focus of the ICM will be on US and offshore investments within emerging markets in a top down mix of emerging market real estate, mortgage notes, REITs, bonds and dividend paying stocks.
At, we are committed to a service of partnership with investors to under promise and over-deliver. In order to achieve this high bar, we have determined that investments and assets must be secured in the form of collateral, high net profit potential, expanding market cycles, operational optimization, guarantees, sustained performance history, dividends and diversification in the least. This approach we take to investing and partnering is geared to secured performance. An Active ICM team will be mobilized to facilitate any investor’s interest in achieving sustainable and secured return on investment. So let’s look at some of the leadership capabilities of our ICM team:
Emerging Market Real Estate (US)
1. Active asset and money management through syndication and private placement on US onshore and offshore emerging market real estate projects: This will include sequentially establishing 1) an existing relationship through discussions of investment preferences, profile and accredited investor status; 2) Introduction of potential emerging market projects of interest with an executive summary followed by private placement memorandum and subscription as necessary 3) Implementation of the project plan for a 5 year exit through group ownership of a limited liability corporation 4) Optimization of project to generate quarterly investor cash flow and short term appreciation with collateral security in place 5) successfully exit the investment at the ideal pre-apex of the market cycle through the expert monitoring of the market cycle. 6) Distribute to shareholders upon exit 7) Re-enter another emerging market project with existing and new investors.
For adept Investment Capital Management, contact our adept team today.
How to Invest Secured > Real Estate
Investing > Investment Capital Management